03 september 2013


-This post is a part of Blogtember-

Norway, you know that little country up north?  That's my country, and I love it! We stand together and fight back peacefully, as a nation. And that makes me so proud to be a part of!

To grow up in this country makes me feel lucky. I've had the best childhood! I owe my parents alot of it, but also my country - for giving me and my family opportunities.

My homeplace is a small, small place outside a small town. Deep in the forrests of the Taiga.
My grandparents were our closest neighbours, a small, small farm. My grandfather was a strawberry farmer. I remember lying in the field eating strawberrys in the summer. And in the winter we went cross country on the same field. Oh how I love the memory of my childhood joy :)

1 kommentar:

SeattleSarahSpeaks sa...

I visited Norway this last spring and loved it! It really is a nice country, full of friendly persons. Although the cost of a pint of beer is a bit steep! :-) Happy Blogtember!